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a thousand heartbeats (click here)

a tempast of tea (click here)

a cursed son (click here)

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the best books to read in Spring- Spring books recommendations
spring books recommendations- 20 best books to read in spring
As Spring gently arrives, reading books under the caress of the sun, on a freshly cut grass or even by...
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the Winterhouse books- cozy Winter reads
the winterhouse book series- cozy winter reads
If you are a seasonal reader just like me you are probably now searching for a good book to accompany...
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whiskers and lies by sofie kelly book review- a cozy cat mystery
whiskers and lies book review- a cozy cat mystery
Library life? Check. Two magical cats? Check. A crime to solve? Check. Today’s book review is Whiskers...
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the house in the cerulean sea by TJ Klune book review
the house in the cerulean sea book review
"1984 meets The Umbrella Academy" was written in the praise page at the beginning of the book. And to...
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book review- six crimson cranes by Elizabeth Lim
book review- six crimson cranes by elizabeth lim
Ever wondered what a mixture of The Selection, Percy Jackson and an old fairytale will feel like? Today’s...
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qoute of the week

“A safe fairyland is untrue to all worlds.”

-the hobbit

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