Welcome Fall- how to welcome Fall properly this year 

fall leaves and pumpkins

Each year it’s such a bless to welcome fall season into our lives. September is here and you can already feel autumn in the air: it’s getting a little more colder, the wind suddenly blows your hair each time you walk outside, pops of yellow and orange are in every corner and daylight hours are getting shorter.

Today’s cozy blog post will help you with how to welcome Fall season \ Autumn time properly to your life. For more autumnal inspiration you are welcome to check my other cozy Fall time blog posts!

9 ideas on how to welcome fall properly this year 

1. Read Fall quotes for inspiration 


There are plenty of inspirational fall quotes that can get you excited for this season while providing you just enough inspiration. I think inspirational quotes are always great, especially when they are seasonal because they help us romanticize & appreciate them little things that matter. 

Here’s a short list of some of my favorite “welcome Fall quotes”, so you could embrace them to your heart as well: 

-As long as autumn lasts, I shall not have hands, canvas and colors enough to paint the beautiful things I see- Van Gogh 
-It looked like the world was covered in a cobbler crust of brown sugar and cinnamon- Sarah Addison Allen 
-I’m so glad I live in a world where there are Octobers – Anne of Green Gables 
-Autumn carries more gold in its pocket than all the other seasons- Jim Bishop 


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2. Decorate for Autumn 

 how to welcome fall- autumn decor ideas

The best way to welcome Fall into your life is by bringing it straight into your home. Add light and magic inside your house by decorating it for this season. It feels so good to know that your living environment is cozy and inviting, both for you and for your guests. 

Fall decor ideas

A. Frame your favorite seasonal quotes and hang them on the wall. 

B. Add natural elements to your living environment such as pumpkins, pines, dried flowers and leaves. 

C. Buy Autumnal \ Halloween themed pillows and blankets to add to your room or living room. I find it one of the most enjoyable ways to decorate for each season.

D. Put your favorite seasonal books & candles on display. It’ll add so much more warmth & coziness to your home. 

E. Put an outdoor doormat & entrance sign that match your seasonal aesthetic. 

F. Highlight pops of brown, orange and red inside your home. 

G. Spice up your kitchen! Use seasonal mugs & plates or cute autumnal kitchen towels. 

3. Read cozy blog posts 


Blog posts can make you feel extra cozy. They offer you new ideas, and lots of inspiration. Find a comfortable corner to curl up in and start reading Fall-themed blog posts that interest you. 

You are more than welcome to check the Fall- time posts category (or any other category) for coziness & inspiration. 

4. Get your nails done 

how to welcome Fall- Fall nails

Getting your nails done for Fall is an excellent way to celebrate the season. Your nails reflect your mood, and can even create it. There are so many beautiful ideas you can take inspiration from. You can be creative and even create your own design. 

5. Change your wallpapers 

Fall wallpaper- Autumnal wallpaper ideas

We are constantly in front of our screens – our phone screen, our computer screen and even our TV screen. You can change your layot in each of them to something more autumnal so in every time you open each device you’d have a constant reminder that Autumn is near or already here .

Check out my newest collection of Fall themed wallpapers for both your phone & computer! All designed by me and are perfect to use during this cozy season.

6. Bring out your fall wardrobe 

how to welcome Fall- Fall outfits

Out of sight is out of mind, so it’s time to change that. Move all of your favorite Fall clothes to the front of your closet and put sweaters \ cardigans you like on display. Now it’s definitely time to put on your fall outfits on a daily basis. 

You can also treat yourself with a new favorite sweather. You should definitely check out this Sanderson sisters sweather from Etsy, perfect for all of the Hocus Pocus lovers out there and this cozy latte jumper if you are obssesed with coffee like me! Both sweaters are ones I’ve put my eye on and definitely planing to get for myself.

7. Describe what you see around you 

how to welcome Autumn- Autumnal writing ideas

Autumn is such a beautiful season. Especially when the leaves change and the world starts to fill with warm colors again. Go outside only to stop for a moment and look around you. Sit on a bench, on the grass or by a coffe shop window and describe what you see, smell and hear in details. 

It’s important to know how to appreciate the little things and the magic in the world. It’s also a great way to romanticize Autumn time. 

how to welcome fall- pumpkin patch

8. Enter autumnal scents into your house 

how to welcome Autumn- Autumnal scents

Not only they are nice, but scents are important because they play a huge part on the way we remember things. They help us feel happy, relaxed & comfortable. By bringing scents you love into your home you are making it more personal & warm. Autumnal scents can be cinnamon, pumpkin, apple & maple.

Fall candles - how to welcome fall properly

ways to bring autumnal scentes into your house:  

Scented candles 

Aromatic oils on your pillow 

Baking with one of the ingredients above 

Soaps, creams and even perfumes (bath & body works’s ones are my favorites) 

9. Watch Fall- themed movies and TV shows 

Fall inspiration- Autumnal movies and shows

It’s always so wonderful to be sucked into an imaginary world on TV for a couple of hours. There are so many cozy and seasonal movies & TV shows I have to recommend you so you could enjoy them as well. 

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Happy Fall season everyone 

As promised, here’s a little surprise: As we welcome Fall season and with all of these new changes in our life I hope you would take each affirmation to your heart.

Hope you are ready to enjoy this autumn season and take advantage of every little moment of it. I invite you to cuddle up with something yummy and a hot beverage, and dive right into reading my other cozy blog posts

Don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest  , Instagram Goodreads !

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