how to self-care during summer? best summer self-care ideas

how to self-care during Summer- Summer self-care

Its summer and you feel motivated to make it the best Summer of your life, right? Yet its Summer, AGAIN, and maybe you are not quite sure, AGAIN, how to make it the best Summer of your life, right? Or maybe you simply wish to find new ideas to help you experience this hot, happy season to the fullest.

Either way, the solution is simple- Self Care Summer. And I’m not only talking about bubble baths, meditation and eating ice-cream by the pool side (though these are definitely on the list). I’m talking discovering yourself, creating new experiences and glowing up as you navigate through the summer days.

so why to have a self-care Summer?

The bigger picture of self-care (in your case your now SUMMER SELF-CARE) is to help you connect to yourself in ways you didn’t know are possible through intentional behavior. When you self-care you invest in your future self as well, making the possibility of having the Summer of your dreams a reality.

In today’s cozy blog post you are not only gonna find self-care ideas for Summer and learn how to self-care during Summer. You will also get the tools that alongside your motivation, will help you have a more happy, enjoyable and unforgettable season.

how to self-care during Summer?

Self-care is more than the nice acts you are gonna do for yourself. It’s your way to create a more balanced and happy lifestyle. So just before we’ll get to the self-care ideas part, I want you to keep in mind the Three C’s: Consistency, Creativity and Compassion.

Consistency refers to the quality of always behaving in a similar way and creating a level of reliability over time. Staying consistent to your self-care routine this Summer, especially when you don’t feel like it, will bear fruits in a form of wellbeing improvement.

Creativity refers to quality of being able to generate original ideas and solutions. It can come in handy when you feel stuck and not quite sure how to move forward towards achieving your goal.

Compassion refers to the quality of treating yourself with kindness and understanding during times of difficulty or failure. There are up and downs in every journey, and in your journey towards discovering yourself more this Summer, it’s important you don’t give yourself a hard time.

how to self-care \ how to self-care during summer

self-care ideas for Summer

Now let’s get into the exciting part! Here are 20+ self-care ideas for Summer! The digital template with all of the ideas is available to you at the end of this cozy blog post.

20+ self-care ideas for Summer.

1. Set and track your goals for the Summer

Having specific goals increases the chances of you achieving them. Sometimes it can mean stepping out of your comfort zone, learning new skills, and by that developing various areas of life. By setting your goals you create a roadmap for your summer, which enables you to make intentional choices that lead to personal growth.

2. Create a skin-care routine

Having a regular skin-care routine is highly important, especially during Summer. Moreover, healthy and glowing skin can boost your confidence and overall sense of well-being, making you feel better during the Summer months. It’s also a way to show yourself you care by investing in yourself.

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3. Early morning meditations outside

Meditations encourage self-reflection, helping you better understand your thoughts, emotions, and behaviors. The early summer mornings offer you a perfect not-so-hot-yet weather you can use to practice mindfulness outside while focusing on the sounds, smells, and sights around you.

4. Read self-help books

Besides Summer-themed fiction books, a Summer reading list that also focuses on self-improvement and personal growth is the perfect way to gain a new perspective on life and boost your confident this season.

A little tip: It can be even more therapeutic to read your books by the pool or sea side.

5. Make colorful bracelets and necklaces (with friends)

As you may have noticed, friendship bracelets are a thing now even more than they used to, thanks to Taylor Swift. Not only that making the bracelets or neckless is enjoying, especially with friends, but the colorful and personal final product can bring much happiness.

6. Treat yourself with the biggest prettiest ice-creams

Occasional treats like a big, pretty, with sparkles and a cherry on top ice cream can enhance your overall wellness by bringing joy, relaxation, and a sense of celebration to your days. It can serve as a reward for achievements or simply as a celebration of life’s small joys.

7. Spark back your inner-child

Summer can sometimes be a very nostalgic time. It is a season rich with personal history and emotional resonance: the smells of fresh-cut grass, the fresh beach air and the familiar sound of waves. As well as Summer vacations from school, time spent playing outdoors, family vacations or camp…

By sparking back your inner child, you can gain a more joyful and fresh approach to life, leading to rich daily experiences as a part of your desire to have an amazing Summer.

Simple ways to spark back your inner-child

Engage in activities that remind you of childhood and help you stay in the moment or rediscover the wonders of the world. Listen to songs that remind you of the past Summers. Watch shows or movies that you used to watch on hot days indoors.

how to spark back your inner-child - Summer self care

8. Have a calm morning routine

Calm and repetitive morning rituals gives a sense of stability and clarity to your day. Incorporating self-care practices in your Summer routine, such as skincare, stretching, or reading, prioritizes your well-being from the very start of the day.

9. DIY spa days at home

Make your own natural skincare treatments with ingredients like cucumber, aloe vera, and coconut oil. Wear your prettiest bathrobe and use your favorite perfume and oils. Draw a nice calming bath or put on your headphones and listen to music. Do your nails, wax your face and do your hair nicely.

Focusing on each step of your spa routine can promote mindfulness, helping you stay present, improve your overall feeling and reduce anxiety.

10. Wear clothes that makes you feel good

Just like pieces of jewelry can make you feel good about yourself, so do the right clothes. Several studies show our mood can be affected depending on what clothes we wear!

In addition, people tend to associate bright& colorful clothes with positive emotions, so whether you are used to dress with color or not, you can try to give colorful clothes a chance as a part of your Summer self-care plan.

11. Practice gratitude (and make it seasonal)

Start a gratitude journal or make it a habit to name in your head all the things you are grateful for this Summer (each day or at the end of each week). It will help you regularly reflect and appreciate the positive aspects of your life this season.

12. Declutter and Organize

By creating a clean & organized environment that supports your needs and preferences, you can enhance your mood and increase your overall productivity level, a thing that can help you a lot with the goals you set for yourself this Summer.

13. Try water therapy

Activities like swimming, floating, kayaking or practicing aquatic yoga require a focus on breathing and movement, which helps stay present in the moment. Water therapy also releases “feel-good” hormones, which can enhance your mood and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.

14. Personal notes in your digital calendar

Speaking of nostalgia, have you ever written a letter to your future self when you were little and almost forgot about it until an email reminded you of this?

If you have, you probably remember the warm feeling that seeing your own words gave you. If you haven’t, know you can still feel it!

Pick a few random dates throughout this summer to write personal little notes, reminders or funny things at in your digital calendar. You can then be surprised by them throughout this season.

15. Sleepovers with friends

One of the best self-care ideas for summer is spending time with the people you love, doing things that both of you love. It’s a lovely way to create new memories from the season and bond with your friends.

16. Practice identifying true wants VS fears

It can sometimes be hard to recognize when fears are taking over your true desire to do something, in contrast to when “more reasonable” fears are taking over. It can be even harder to overcome them fears and step towards your goal.

For instance, you really want to go camp this Summer, but fear you won’t have fun there. Simply telling yourself that THIS is a fear that steams out of normal doubt and not because you are about to risk your life can help you separate it from other fears and be open to the possibility of going to camp after all.

17. Visit the beach at sunrise or sunset

Yet another great Summer self-care idea is to visit at the beach by sunrise or sunset and enjoy sounds, the changing color of the sky, the weather and most importantly, the moment.

A little tip: every simple activity such as reading, talking to a loved one or meditating is way better and way enjoyable when there’s a sea in front of you.

18. Find your own unique scent

It is proven that smelling good can enhance your self-esteem & confidence. Knowing that you have a pleasant and unique scent can make you feel more attractive and self-assured this Summer.

19. Pinterest as your primary social media

Speaking for my self for a moment, since I switched Instagram and TikTok for Pinterest I noticed a HUGE improvement in my overall well-being. Compared to other social media platforms, Pinterest tends to have a more positive and constructive atmosphere. It’s centered around sharing ideas and inspiration rather than personal updates or controversial discussions.

You are welcome to check out my Pinterest account for more seasonal inspiration and ideas!

20. Look for every color of the rainbow in your day

This is a simple reflective mental exercise meant to help you practice mindfulness and staying present. At the end of your day or throughout it, and whether you spent it only at home or went to several places, think about or search around you each and every one of the rainbow colors.

For example, red for the apple you ate or the sunglasses of a stranger on the beach. Pink for the bakery sign you ate at today or for the color of your nails. And so on…

A little tip: try adding colors that aren’t necessarily in the rainbow like pink or brown.

21. Try different forms of workouts

It is a well known fact that exercising have a great effect on mental health. Trying different forms of workouts every now and then can keep your exercise routine interesting and enjoyable. This can enhance your motivation to stay active, hence making you feel better everyday.

Swimming, running, dancing, yoga, Pilates, stretching, hiking, cycling and so much more are a rich variety that can be incorporated in your weekly Summer self-care routine. Showing yourself you care about your health, feeling good due to all the hormones that are being released and experiencing less boredom is a perfect way to self-care.

22. DIY Herbal Remedies & candles

Creating DIY herbal remedies and candles for Summer can be a rewarding and beneficial activity, combining the therapeutic properties of herbs with the calming effects of candle-making.

23. Make fruit based desserts more often

Taking time to prepare and enjoy a fruit based dessert is showing kindness to yourself. It can contribute to your mental wellness by providing nutritional benefits and improve your mood.

Moreover it’s a reminder of the beauty of Summer, of nature’s best offering:)

Final saying

I hope these Summer self-care ideas will help you make the most of your current Summer season by creating new life experiences and treating yourself with the kindness you deserve. By intentionally focusing on your own personal development and investing in self-care you are already making it happen!

My main goal is to help you create the life you want for yourself by inspiring content related to well-being & self-care. I invite you to read the other cozy blog posts in the Your Cozy Little Bubble space, written to make you feel cozy & inspire you to act to make your day to day life better.

Also read- the best 10 ways to romanticize this summer

how to self care during summer\ best summer self care ideas

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