how to romanticize this summer-best 10 ways

best ways to romanticize summer

Summer is upon us- the weather’s getting hot and the need to go sit by the shore or make a cold smoothie grows. And it’s hard to ignore that, even if you are not a Summer lover. In both cases, to romanticize your Summer is one of the best ways to fully enjoy it, or even having your desired glow up!

Romanticizing your Summer (and life in general) helps you live in the current moment and enjoy more things. It is a great form of mindfulness.

In today’s post I’m going to share with you how to romanticize this summer (plus a bonus tip).

Please note: this post contains affiliate links. Now let’s get right into it! 

10 ways to romanticize this summer

Paint your nails by the sea

When I think of romanticizing Summer, I think of sitting by the sea (or by the pool) and painting my nails in bright and fun colors. It can turn out terrible but it’s still a fun experience.

You can also simply go to the nail salon and ask for a fun & summery design. I’ve said it before, but a seasonal nail design is the ultimate way to get in the mood! It is so much fun!

Practice not caring what others think

An important step in having a great Summer is to practice living your life for yourself and not for anyone else. Wear what you feel most comfortable & beautiful in, take as many pictures as you’d like and do things that makes your heart happy.

Now I know it can be hard, and it’s definitely a process, but I can tell you for sure that it pays off. Think about the new experiences you’ll have, and keep in mind that you only live once.

sweet reminders for your summer days
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Create a Summertime skin-care routine

Having a regular skin-care routine is highly important. Especially during Summer when we expose to a lot more sun light and the weather can be hot and humid. But it’s not the reason I chose to put this in this list.

The reason why I think it’s a great way to help you enjoy this summer is because It can boost your confidence and increase your self-esteem & overall happiness. It’s a kind of self-care. By doing this calming ritual twice a day you practice living in the moment and taking your time.

That is a wonderful way to get into the summer mood. At least for me- it definitely gives a sense of vacation.

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Summer themed coloring books

I recently found out the joy of coloring books, and therefore I had to put it on this list.

The whole point of coloring books is to relax, take your time & connect with your creative side. The best part is that there are many simple coloring books you can get just for the sake of the experience. It doesn’t have to be prefect at all.

Just imagine you sit outside with iced coffee, the weather is nice, and you go to this amazing world the coloring book has to offer you!

worlds of wonder coloring book

My favorite coloring book of all times which I enjoy using each season is Worlds of Wonder by Johanna Basford. I cannot even tell you how beautiful this book is. It has it all- from really simple pages to color to more complicated ones, a lot of Summer motives (and other seasons as well) and the cutest little illustrations.

I also recommend using Soucolor brushes because they are so affordable and have a huge varity of color!

Wear colorful clothes more often

Did you know that your wardrobe can affect your mood? Several studies show our mood can be affected depending on what clothes we wear. People tend to associate bright& colorful clothes with positive emotions, so when you wear more color you embody these emotions, therefore you would feel much better.

So my point is that you should dress fun! Colorful! Even if it’s not your style, it wont hurt to give it a try, right? Summer is about fun & colorful clothes, dresses, cute hair pins, jewelries, etc… Have fun with it.

Fruits fruits and more fruits

What is Summer without fruits? fruits contain a lot of water, which means that by eating them you’d feel hydrated and refreshed- which is exactly what you need in summer.

Adding more fruits to your eating habits is a reminder of the beauty of Summer, of nature’s best offering. Smoothies, fresh fruits… it can’t get any better than that.

Spend more of your time outdoors

As much as it’s so much more convenient to stay indoors most Summer days with the AC on, the outside has a lot to offer you.

You can really manage to romanticize your Summer by stepping outside on a freshly cut grass, going on an early morning walk before it gets too hot, listening to the birds or simply reading a book or drinking iced coffee outside with the wind & sun on your face.

Read Summer themed books

How to romanticize your summer you ask? Well, this is one of the best ways. Seasonal reading is definitely helpful when you want to enjoy the season and the atmosphere around.

In honor of Your Cozy Little Library launch, I am planning to post Summer books recommendations & more on this topic there , so for now I won’t expend too much about this.

Create your perfect Summertime playlist

Create this playlist of your favorite songs to dance to or vibe with this Summer. Hit the shuffle button each time you feel like it and enjoy the rhythm and good vibes.

Some of my favorite summertime songs are: Malibu by Miley Cyrus, Blue Hawaii by Elvis Presley & Cruel Summer by Taylor Swift. For more songs recommendations you are welcome to check this Best Summer Songs post on my Pinterest.

summer time playlist- romanticize summer
click to view full image on Pinterest

Add Summer elements to your living environment

It’s the little things that matter and can make you feel & romanticize. Fresh flowers, nice photo on the wall, a display of Summer clothing, even a new flourish bed sheets or a side wall colored in orange. It’s yours to have fun with!

Bonus tip- create a mood board

Mood boards can be physical or digital. They’re collages of images, text and other elements into a finish format that reflects your mood, thoughts and feelings.

It can help you feel excited for this Summer, give you a general idea of how you want YOUR Summer to look like or simply inspire you. I would recommend using Pinterest and create a mood board there. It can have outfits ideas, activities you’d like to try, photos you plan to take, inspiring quotes, your favorite Summer movies and so on.

For more summer inspiration you should definitely check my Pinterest board\s out!

Final saying

I hope this post inspire you to enjoy your Summer to the fullest and get you more ideas on how to romanticize it. Because I know that this is my plan for this Summer!

Also read: how to self-care during summer? best summer self-care ideas

Don’t forget to follow me on Instagram Pinterest where I post daily, seasonal and inspiring content.

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