how to get inspired & be more creative- best 12 ways

how to get inspired and more creative Fall season view

Feeling like you need to spark back your inspiration level lately? Feeling like you want to get more creative? Don’t worry, it happens to everyone. Life can really get you hard sometimes and that’s totally normal to feel less inspired than usual because of that. Sometimes all you have to do is very little in order to get inspired and bring your creativity back to the table.

I got it all covered for you. In the end of the article I also added a little freebie for you to use. Now, here are some very useful tips to help you find the inspiration you need. 

12 trustful ways to get inspired & more creative by 

Be more willing to know 

If you are interested in sparking back your creativity and getting inspired, be willing to step outside the box and expand your knowledge. Don’t get me wrong, it doesn’t have to be anything complicated at all: try to read a new book, an interesting blog post, an article, or even a Wikipedia entry…Watch something inspirable or learn new things. Basically, anything that seems intriguing to you and you want to know more about. 

Through the new things you surround yourself with, more possibilities and new ideas you might haven’t thought of before will open up to you. Remember that inspiration may occur in the least expected places. 

Spend time in a book shop or a library 

Following on from what I mentioned above, reading is an excellent way to enrich knowledge and of course, to get inspiration. I think you can make the book selection process much more special and aspiring if you physically go to the bookstore or library instead of ordering online.  

There is something very stimulating about being surrounded by books. Even if you don’t intend to take any books home with you, look around. Any book can be suitable, as long as you find interest in it. Even if you leave empty-handed, I’m sure you’ll leave with a mind full of creative ideas and thoughts. 

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you’ll go” – Dr. Seuss 

Walk outside and let your thoughts run 

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. Walking is an excellent way to relax and reflect your thoughts. It’s the perfect time to come up with new ideas that can help you get more creative and inspired. There are no unnecessary distractions: it’s just you, the outside and your mind. 

Don’t hesitate to let your thoughts just flow out. Let them wander to wonderful places. If you find it difficult, remember it’s just like physical activity – It’s hard to train yourself and achieve your goals, but with hard work and consistency your chances of success increase. 

“You’re off to great places, today is your day! Your mountain is waiting, so get on your way!” -Dr. Seuss 

Take a break, then come back fresh as a daisy 

A way I find very effective to stimulate my motivation when I feel unmotivated, is to simply stop everything for a moment. I Breathe deeply, and allow the frustration to calm down. It could be just a few minutes, or a few days. Either way, I recharge my energies and arrive refreshed to the same point I left. 

A time out can do you a lot of good. Maybe you’ve been overthinking too much that you’ve already lost the ability to think clearly. If you approach something with a clear mind, you will discover you can find more in yourself than you think. New ideas can come to you, and help you regain your creativity. 

A little tip: 

Meditation is a powerful and special thing. It’s a good way to clear your mind and come back more refreshed after just a few minutes.  

Notice them little things that makes you happy throughout the day 

A good cup of coffee, a TV series, petting your dog or journaling. There are so many small and happy moments in our day that we don’t always notice of. Try to locate those moments, enhance them and draw inspiration from them.  

What I mean is, for example, if you really enjoy hot coffee in the morning, search a special coffee recipe that you can make by yourself and try the next morning. Maybe you will like it? Maybe it’ll inspire you to try more recipes and different things every morning? 

If you enjoy watching TV, arrange a movie night- good food, candles and people you love. Have fun with it! It’s definitely something great to look forward to, and a good way to express your creativity and enjoy time. 

Think what excites you? What makes your heart feel happy? How can you be more creative with those things? 

Inspirational notes and reminders 

I also mentioned this idea in this post: HOW TO BE MORE CONSISTENT WITH GOALS (which I recommend reading because consistency can also be a tribute factor in your way of getting more creative). 

leave yourself sticky notes around your house or add to your digital calendar inspirational remainders. After a while, even unconsciously, your mind will start listening and pay attention to the information you gave it. 

Ideas for good reminders to get inspired by: 

Write about\ doodle things that make you happy (the weather, dogs, books or video games…) 

Inspirational quotes from Google

Something beautiful someone once told you

Aspiring messages to yourself from yourself

Develop a new hobby 

Hobbies are a great way to express your creativity because they are what you passionate about, what you enjoy of. So now it’s your time to finally get started developing this hobby you’ve always wanted or to get back into an old one. 

It will help you gain back your confidence and creativity. It can also be a big source of inspiration for you. 

Draw inspiration from other people 

Think about people you like and find interesting, then sit down and talk to them. About anything! They can help you open new way of thinking that wasn’t open before.  

Interviewing one of these people can be very interesting. You then learn more about the person’s life, something from which you can draw inspiration and ideas to apply in your personal life. 

Another way to get inspired from others is through the media: YouTube videos, TED talks, Podcasts, Pinterest boards and more. 

Do things you wouldn’t normally think of doing 

We all have our framework and daily routine. Nevertheless, deviating a little from the things we know and are used to in our daily routine is not a bad thing. 

Think of something that has always crossed your mind only as a side idea, and make it happen. Maybe volunteering, sleeping in your backyard, hiking, etc. 

As I explained earlier, stepping outside of the box and refreshing your thinking can get you feel more inspired, because when you try new things, you add more spice to your routine. Then, you open yourself to new ideas. 

Practice gratitude 

It’s very important to practice gratitude because you practice seeing and appreciating the little things in your life. The things you can draw inspiration from. The things that can help you bring back your light when you feel down. 

It’s enough to name 3 things you are grateful for at the end of each day consistently, it doesn’t have to be anything bigger. 

Make your environment inspiring & aspiring 

cozy candle- cozy environment for inspiration

Think about it, your living environment takes a huge part of how you think and feel. Therefor it’s really effective to make your surrounding enjoyable, so you could feel good in it. 

You can also add elements that “tickle” your creativity and make you feel inspired. 

Listen to music or write your own 

Music makes us all feel good, excited… I find it very much effective to listen to music, or write my own when I want to suck inspiration to something. 

Final saying 

I really hope some of these tips could help you and get you back on track. 

Remember that creativity can help you find your inspiration, and finding your inspiration can get you more creative. So focus on regaining one of them, and the rest will come together. 

Make sure to follow me on Pinterest , Instagram and on Twitter, and check my other blog posts If you want to get more new ideas and tips. 

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