book review- six crimson cranes by elizabeth lim

book review- six crimson cranes by Elizabeth Lim

Ever wondered what a mixture of The Selection, Percy Jackson and an old fairytale will feel like? Today’s book review is Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim, which fits perfect to this category.

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Today I’m going to talk about and review this amazing book called Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim. And don’t worry- I wont spoil anything!

synopsis of six crimson cranes

This is a YA retelling, focuses on Shiori, the only princess of Kiata. Shiori has a secret. Forbidden magic runs through her veins. Normally she conceals it well, but on the morning of her betrothal ceremony, Shiori loses control. At first, her mistake seems like a stroke of luck, forestalling the wedding she never wanted, but it also catches the attention of Raikama, her stepmother.

Raikama has dark magic of her own, and she banishes the young princess, turning her brothers into cranes, and warning Shiori that she must speak of it to no one: for with every word that escapes her lips, one of her brothers will die.

Penniless, voiceless, and alone, Shiori searches for her brothers, and, on her journey, uncovers a conspiracy to overtake the throne—a conspiracy more twisted and deceitful, more cunning and complex, than even Raikama’s betrayal. Only Shiori can set the kingdom to rights, but to do so she must place her trust in the very boy she fought so hard not to marry. And she must embrace the magic she’s been taught all her life to contain—no matter what it costs her.

Six Crimson Cranes by Elizabeth Lim book review.

To put it plainly, this book is a 5\5.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

First, I know they say not to judge a book by it’s cover, but please do! This cover is so enchanting and beautiful. The light pink and blue combo alongside the illustrations owns my heart. It was, in fact, the main reason I chose to get this book- and I’m so glad I did so.

Six Crimson Cranes is based on the old fairytale “The Wild Swans”. I find this retelling completely flowless and I’m glad the author stayed true to the original layout of the story but in her own special way. Also, I adore the the Asian setting of the book.

I appreciated Elizabeth’s writing style throughout the whole book. She was able to keep me intrigued and on my toes even in parts who you can call slower than others. She was also able to write all the evilness and dark side of the tale perfectly- it wasn’t too overwhelming but it was defiantly suspending.

I just love a great character development throughout stories, therefore i really enjoyed Shiori’s journey from a spoiled, reckless- and dare I say self-centered person, to a more mature and accepting version of herself. I loved her magical paper crane- Kiki, and the way I was able to learn more about Shiori herself through her bird.

Some parts of the book felt slightly like The Selection by Kiera Cass, and others like some Percy Jackson adventures. I really liked this combination.

six crimson cranes book review

Quotes worth mentioning

“Find the light that makes your lantern shine,” she used to say. “Hold on to it, even when the dark surrounds you. Not even the strongest wind will blow out the flame.”

I felt connected to this saying because I always used to compare dark times to a dark tunnel, and strings of hope to a lantern light.

“If fate is a bunch of strings, then I’ll carry scissors. My choices are my own. I’ll make them as I please.”

Felt that. Loved that!

“Pain doesn’t get easier. You just have to get stronger.”

Final saying

I would definitely recommend Six Crimson Cranes to everyone. Even to reader’s who have doubts regarding to it, and only because I also had some doubts before. I was afraid it’ll be too heavy and slow-pacing, or that I wouldn’t like it’s style, mostly because I never read anything like this before.

But it was all worth it. Elizabeth Lim managed to take me to this beautify, magical world filled with great characters and plot.

I had great time reading, and writing this review of Six Crimson Cranes, and I can’t wait to move over to the next book.

Click here to get the book on amazon .

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