
a little introduction

Hey everyone and thank you for joining to the cozy little bubble spaceI created this website with the hope to bring warmth and coziness to the daily life of each and every one of you. 

In your cozy little bubble space you’d find cozy blog posts that will help you create the life you want for yourself by inspiring content related to mental well-being & cozy living.  I’m all into helping you romanticize your life and improve your overall wellness.

To do so, I invite you to read the cozy blog posts in this space, written to make you feel warm and cozy & inspire you to act to make your day to day life better.

For book lovers, you are welcome to check the “Your Cozy Little Library” section as well where you’d find (other than cozy blog posts) 100% bookish content.

Now go and grab a hot cup of tea, light up a candle and start reading a cozy blog post!

cozy website logo

more about your cozy little bubble

So what is to live in your own little bubble? You may have heard this phrase more than a few times by now.

For me, at least, is simply living your life in the best way as possible: to do what you love & makes you happy. To romanticize your life & to appreciate them little things.

I hope to take even the smallest part in your everyday life, and help you make it so cozy and nice. Hence your cozy little bubble.

about me

Hey there everyone. My name’s Hadar and I’m so so glad you are here. What I love doing in my everyday life is mostly writing (in my diary, songs & blog posts) ,reading and also watching TV (friends and Gilmore girls own my heart).

I also love winter & autumn time, dogs, and the color blue (as you may have noticed).

I try to bring all of the things I love into my writing and into this site to create the perfect cozy blog posts. I hope you will enjoy spending your time in here with me. 

Also, please, feel free to contact me for any request, question or simply to say hey!

find me here as well: