a 2024 guide- how to keep up with your new year’s resolutions

Everyone have their own list of New Year’s resolutions and goals at the beginning of each year. But how many of us really manage to keep up with our New Year’s resolutions throughout the whole year?

There’s a quote saying that if January is the month of change, February is the month of lasting change. And I like to think about it as if every other month of the year is the month of lasting change.

keep up with your goals and New Year's resolutions- quote inspiration

It can be tricky to stick to your New Year’s resolution. And as someone who had trouble with that in the past but succeeded, I’m here to share with you my most useful tips on how to make your resolution last, and how to keep up with any goal you’ve set for yourself.

So if you are interested to know how to keep up with your New Year’s resolutions AND ANY OTHER GOAL to make the best out of this new year, continue reading.

how to keep up with your resolutions- stick to your New Year's resolutions

How to keep up with your New Year’s resolutions this 2024

1. make your goals visual

After identifying your goals, the first thing I recommend doing is to make them all visual. By making your New Year’s resolutions visual you make them feel real. This is a great mental move towards achieving them.

How to make your New Year’s resolutions visual:

Simply write it all down– sometimes all it takes to make something feel real are words on paper. It’s good to have it for future references as well.

Mood boards– Pinterest is a great inspiration source for creating a mood board. Find photos and quotes that resonate with your goals and inspire you and gather them into a physical\ digital collage.

Sticky notes– use sticky notes around your house, car or on your belongings to remind yourself your goals. Make them cute and add your personal touch to each.

2. remember your “why” & “what”

Have you ever made an important decision but some time later felt like you don’t want to commit to it anymore even though what you were working towards still felt desirable?

Maybe it’s because you’ve neglected to remined yourself your Why and What. This time, ask yourself : “Why am I doing this for?” “What I’m about to gain from sticking to my goal? “

Obviously, you made your resolutions this year with your Why’s and What’s in mind, so its crucial to remined them to yourself throughout the whole process in order to be able to stick to them.

Tip: write down your Why’s and What’s on sticky notes.

3. make yourself earn from sticking to your goals

You have your motivation and that’s great. But to make sure you won’t lose it overtime, you can use what I call “the reward fund system”.

For each X time\ X period of time you work on your New Year’s resolutions, put a “reward point” into your reward fund. For instance for each week you didn’t spend money on unnecessary things. Or for each time you woke up early and meditated.

When you finally reach, for example, to 10 reward points you can claim them and use them to reward yourself! – buy a new book, take the day off, eat your favorite dessert and so on.

freebie to download- the reward fund template

Tip: use this reward fund template I made for you to keep track on your progress and make it visual.

4. document your progress

In order to increase the odds of keeping up with your New Year’s resolutions (and keep up with any goal ) you need to enjoy the process. This is why documenting your progress can be beneficial- It is a very promising way to stay motivated, keep things going and can also be very insightful.

There are numerous ways you can do but here are my favorites:

apps– The most approachable way to document your progress. The right app can even make you WANT to document your personal journey: your feelings, thoughts, achievements and activities.

One of my favorite apps to use in my day to day life is Journey . Journey serves as a digital self-care journal & diary you can access at any given time via any device. You can upload photos, update your mood, use different templates and even join motivational programs.

journaling– By journaling your thoughts you not only make your goals organized and visual, but you CREATE a solid work plan and build motivation. Journaling is a way to express one’s self, and I think you should do just that.

vlogging– Whether if it’s vlogging for yourself or vlogging with the intention to post it somewhere, I find the act of documenting parts of your life and talking about your aspirations and ideas very effective to keep things going.

5. practice your ability of being consistent

If you want to know how to keep up with your New Year’s resolutions you also need to know a bit more about consistency because consistency is the key if you want to stick to your New Year’s resolutions.

For more explanation and tips about the subject you are very welcome to check out this how to be more consistent with goals- 7 helpful methods blog post.

6. consume inspiring content that’s related to your goals

Create your own little bubble that’s filled with positive goal-related content.

Let’s say, for instance, that you decided that this year you want to read more books but you feel scared to fall out of this habit. Therefore you can search YouTube or Pinterest for bookish inspiration, find people who share the same habit\ goal as you, join a book club, take more trips to your local library and so on.

By doing so you surround yourself with renewing inspiration and the chances of you sticking to your New Year’s resolution increase.

7. be resilent and mindful

I briefly mentioned this topic on this things to remember while entering 2024 Instagram post and I think it plays a big part in how to stick to your New Year’s resolutions:

Committing to a decision isn’t always easy and you will probably have moments where you feel like you aren’t doing enough or times where you’ll fall out of rhythm a little and start doubting yourself.

It is 100% normal. It’s important to remember that everyone’s journey is different and that good things take time. By using the tools I mentioned above you will find it easier to keep up with your New Year’s resolutions.

A little note for me

You clicked on this post because you wanted to know how to keep up with your New Year’s resolutions and I hope to have helped you find the right ways to do so.

Although these tools I mentioned above are here to help you in this process, YOU are the one responsible for your life, therefore YOU are the one who can make it all come true.

My main goal is to help you create the life you want for yourself by inspiring content related to well-being & self-care. I invite you to read the blog posts in the Your Cozy Little Bubble space, written to make you feel cozy & inspire you to act to make your day to day life better.

Don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest  , Instagram Goodreads !

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