8 benefits of waking up early & how to find the motivation to wake up early

benefits of waking up early and how to wake up early

Whether you’re an early bird or not, I’m sure that you think about getting up early in the morning sometimes. Some people only assosiate early mornings with finishing chores and getting things done, but the truth is, there is much more to it than that. In this post I’m going to share with you the benefits of waking up early, and my most useful tips on how to wake up early.

In early mornings you can be productive but also take things slowly or reunite with hobbies you don’t have the time for usually. There are a lot of benefits regarding to waking up early, and I’m very excited to share them with you!

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Benefits of waking up early

Helps reduce stress-level 

benefits of waking up early- early bird drawing

The morning is a stress-free time. You don’t have to deal with all the stress of the day: you still don’t have to go to places, finish tasks or work and study. You have a lot of free time to savor on.  

Therefore, it’s scientifically proven that by starting your day early, you help reduce your stress level throughout the day.  

Time for extra productivity 

benefits of waking up early- early bird

After you are fully awake you have this extra quite time, all by yourself, to be productive. It comes in handy especially when you have a busy schedule at work \school (you can squeeze in extra studies or do home chores to save yourself the bother later on the day). 

It’s so much better to be extra productive in the morning, rather than at night. You have more energy, and you are way more focused at the start of your day, not at the end of it. 

Time for self-care 

benefits of waking up early- early bird

It’s hard to find time for self-care because life can be overwhelming sometimes. But by waking up early you give yourself the perfect opportunity to do so. 

Self-care acts can be journaling your thoughts, taking a nice shower or meditating.  This is one of the benefits of waking up early I find the most important to remember. This is your quite time and you should invest it to take care of yourself.

In my early mornings I love to take the time to write in my One Question a Day for Self-Care journal which I’ve been using since October! It takes only a few seconds to answer a question each day and it gets you in the healthy habit of checking in on your own emotions and determining what you need. I find it super important and helpful. 

Peaceful moments with yourself 

benefits of waking up early- early bird

In the early morning hours, everything is quite around you. No unnecessary destructions or loud noises. You don’t have to rush anywhere, and you can take your time slowly. It’s scientifically proven that these moments are highly important and beneficial for your brain and for your physical health.  

Time for your hobbies 

benefits of waking up early- early bird

What are your hobbies? What do you like to do but don’t always have time for? 

In our busy daily routine, we don’t always have time to focus on our hobbies, therefore sometimes some of them are being neglected. 

When you wake up early you have a task-free time to focus only on what you choose to focus on. You can read, play your instruments, write, journal, draw… It’s all up to you! 

A great start to your day 

benefits of waking up early- early bird drawing

Think about it: when you get up early, you start your day off just right. No stress, no rush, you are productive, and you have more time for yourself. 

 This will result in a better mood during the day, high energy level and higher scores. 

Helps develop healthy breakfast habits 

benefits of waking up early- early bird  drawing

Breakfast is considered as the most important meal of the day because it helps you start your day right by fueling your brain and your body, it helps you be productive throughout the morning, it keeps you concentrate, and has a lot of mental and physical benefits. 

Therefore, when you wake up early you have time to eat breakfast and to make it healthy, rich & delicious. I find the act of making my breakfast itself so relaxing and therapeutic sometimes. 

Opportunity to meditate  

benefits of early morning

We don’t always have time to spare throughout the day for meditating. Most days, we don’t even think about it, and when we do, it’s hard to find the right time. Hence, the morning is the perfect opportunity to meditate because you have the time, and you have the energy. 

Morning meditations are great for you. When you meditate in a quite environment and when your mind is still at ease, it can bring a lot of calmness to your day.  

Starting your day with a calm and clear mind will minimize stress and overthinking throughout it. 

How to wake up early in the morning

After sharing with you the benefits of waking up early in the morning, I hope you are ready to take things to the next level.

Now I know that especially if you are a night owl, choosing to get up early probably won’t be easy. It will take time to adjust yourself to this new routine. Still, it’s possible to do so with the right help and motivation, so don’t you worry! I got you. Here are my most helpful tips on how to get used to waking up early in the morning:

Plan the morning ahead of you the night before 

how to wake up early in the morning

Knowing what you are about to do the next morning will keep you focused on your goal and will save the bother from planning everything in the morning.  

Not only will it help you have a peaceful morning routine, but it will also motivate you to get up early. 

Pro tip: make sure you have something you are excited about in your morning routine that will help you want to wake up early. For example, a delicious breakfast or a warm shower. 

Have a reasonable sleeping schedule 

how to wake up early in the morning

In order to succeed in waking up early, you need to have a reasonable sleeping schedule. The way you sleep at night affects the way you wake up in the morning after. 

Remember that the morning is the starting point of your day, while the night is the ending point of your day. Don’t go to sleep too late if you want to have an easier time waking up early the next day. 

I know sometimes it’s hard to go to sleep at a reasonable hour, especially if your body isn’t used to it. There are a lot of helpful methods to use such as sleep meditations, or special apps.  

Have a consistent and relaxing night routine 

To add to what I mentioned before, your evening and night routine play an important role in how your energy and mood will be the next morning. Create yourself the perfect night routine. Keep it relaxing, but most importantly, consistent.  

Set off multiple alarm clocks far from your bed 

how to wake up early in the morning

When we want to wake up early we always set off our alarm clocks. If setting multiple clocks isn’t enough for you, make sure you put your phone far away from your bed, so you must get out of it to turn the clock off. 

The three seconds rule

I mentioned this method in How To Be More Consistent With Goals- 7 Helpful Methods as well, and the reason I keep mentioning it is because it is very helpful. When you have no motivation at all to do something (in that case- to wake up early in the morning), use the 3 seconds method. Count 3, 2, 1 and then get straight up from your bed. The rule is that you must promise yourself to take action afterwards.   

This method really works when you promise yourself to act and are willing to keep your own word. So simple. 

Consistency is the key 

To make your body used to waking up earlier than usual you have to stay consistent. I have a full blog post explaining how to stay consistent which I always find so helpful.  

You can read more about consistency here. 

How to wake up early and not feel tired? 

Sometimes, the challenge is not to get out of bed, but to not feel tired afterwards.  

Do things that will refresh you and give you the energy boost you need to start your day: 

Drink coffee 

Wash your face with cold water 

Listen to upbeat music  


Go for a walk outside 

Sit outside and let the wind blow on your face 

Final saying

I hope you have learned more about the importance and the benefits of waking up early. I also hope that you have acquired the right tools to help you find the right motivation to start your morning early.

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