24 best Fall journal prompts for an ultimate cozy & spooky autumn

best cozy & spooky Fall journal prompts- Autumn journaling

Fall is the season of change, it’s the season of new beginings and where new inspiration comes. In today’s post I am going to share with you 24 absolutely cozy & spooky Fall journal prompts. All perfect for this cozy Autumn season and the spooky season ahead.

Why Fall journal prompts anyway?

The habit of writing and journaling is a form of self-care that impacts greatly on your well-being. Journal prompts in general are a perfect way to get into the habit of writing and expresing yourself without feeling overwhelmed by it.

I, too, sometimes feel overwhelmed or don’t have enough time to keep up with my diary and other journals. Yet I always find it so easy to just focus on a simple journal prompt a day in order to keep up this habit.

In today’s article I’m not going to share with you regular journal prompts, I’m going to share with you Fall journal prompts. The simple reason to that is because a lot of people enjoy romantcizing diffrent seasons and do activities that related to the current season \ state of mind.

Because it’s now Autumn, and almost Halloween, I’m sure that some autumnal journal prompts (and spooky ones as well!) will do the trick for most of you. Wheter if inspire and motivate you to keep up with your writing journey, or develop this new and healthy habit.

24 best Fall journal prompts for an ultimate cozy & spooky autumn

Cozy Fall journal prompts

Fall journal propmts- autumnal journal prompts

1. Write how would your ideal Fall day would look like from the moment you wake up and until you go to bed

2. What is one activity that you can do during any season but will instantly remind you of Autumn?

3. What flavor gives you the strongest Fall vibes, and why?

4. Who would you most like to share scary stories with on a rainy Autumn night and why?

5. If Fall season was a real person what would they be like ?

6. If you were living in a library, how would your days look like?

7. If you could spend the entire Autumn season inside a world from any book, which book would it be and why?

8. What is your favorite Fall related quote? How could you apply it this cozy season ?

9. Write down five autumnal things that are currently in your wishlist

10. What is your favorite kind of Fall leaf? If you are not familiar with the different types read about it a little

11. Name three activities that are a must on your Fall bucket list

12. What are three things that you could never spend a rainy & cozy day without?

I invite you to cuddle up with something sweet and a hot beverage, and dive right into reading my other cozy and autumnal blog posts!

Spooky Halloween journal prompts

spooky Halloween journal prompts- Fall journal prompts

1. What headstone inscription would you find funny if you came across it?

2. What was your favorite Halloween costume of yours?

3. write a list of things you’d bring with you to spend a night on a spooky haunted house

4. If you were a witch / wizard how would you live your life?

5. Do you believe in ghosts?

6. Do you prefer scary movies or spooky movies? Why so?

7. If you went to a spooky restaurant during Halloween, how would you like the menu to look like?

8. Write a short story/ poem with the words haunted house , witch and Halloween in it

9. what is your best example of “rooting for the anti-hero” ?

10. What was the scariest movie you’ve ever watched? Will you watch it again?

11. If you could choose to become any magical creature, which would u chose and why?

12. Sketch \ describe a construction plan for a haunted house

wishing you a cozy autumn

Hope you are now ready to enjoy this autumn season and dive into your journal with these cozy & spooky Fall journal prompts.

Also, you are welcome to check out my newest collection of Fall themed wallpapers for both your phone & computer! All designed by me and are perfect to use during this cozy season.

Don’t forget to follow me on Pinterest  , Instagram Goodreads !

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