14 Best Night Routine Ideas (For A Cozy Fall Night)

cozy fall night routine: scented candle

Fall is upon us, the time of year where your heart desires coziness the most. Adjusting your night routine activities to Fall season can make you feel so much more warm & cozy.

And with Autumn’s arrival around the corner, you probably want to feel this way. And I got you! In today’s cozy blog post you’d find autumnal ideas to add to your night routine for the perfect cozy Fall night routine there is: From a scented candle and a hot drink, and all the way into knitting a sweater .

 In the end of the article you’ll be able to find a checklist for your own personal use. Also please note, this article contains affiliat links 🙂

First of all, what counts as a good night routine?

Following a good night routine is important and highly beneficial. It is a great way to calm your mind and practice well-being.

A good night routine means a routine where you do what serves your needs and what makes you calm before going to sleep. 

This routine is very important because it affects the way you sleep at night & the morning after. Just remember that this is your routine, and you should do only what seems right for your body and mind .

Now let’s get right into it! Here are the best night routine ideas for a cozy Fall night:

fall night routine ideas:

Write\ read Fall-themed poems

cozy fall night routine ideas- poems

Poems are such a special & magical thing. They help you see the beauty of the world, especially in these time of year. I totally recommend reading “A Poem for Every Autumn Day” or “Poem For Every Night Of The Year” if you enjoy poems and want to add more magic to your days this season.

Writing poems by yourself is also a great idea. Look around you for inspiration and I’m sure it will come (for example, notice how the ground looks- Have the leaves already fallen? Or does each day is getting darker and shorter? ).

You are also more than welcome to check my Pinterest board for seasonal poems and inspiration.

Fall scented candles

cozy fall night routine ideas- candles

In my eyes, the perfect & most cozy night routine starts and ends with a good candle.

Lit up a candle in any scent of your choice (but because its autumn time, try out some seasonal candles). I promise you will feel a huge change in the atmosphere right away.

Watch the flames moving , enjoy the scents and embrace this feeling. You can read a favorite book or spend time journaling next to your candle- it’s the perfect combination.

Knitting & Chill

cozy fall night routine ideas- knitting

Most times we tend to assosiate crocheting \ knitting with Fall or as something extremely cozy to do. Whether you know how to work with yarn or not, it can be such a relaxing activity for you, kind of like meditation actually.

You can always start developing a new hobby, and learning how to knit\ crochet can be really enjoying. Also Imagine all the cute & seasonal things you could learn how to make overtime such as sweaters, socks and even cute plushies.

Try out a new tea flavor

cozy fall night routine ideas- warm tea

There’s no doubt about that- a warm cup of tea is soothing, especially before going to sleep. Experts belive that warm tea before bed is helpful for our mind and body.

Search for a new tea flavor you think you’d like, and try it out. You can actually discover a flavor you like and make it a ritual for each evening in order to feel warm and cozy.

Comfy layers & pillows

best night routine ideas for a cozy fall night - comfy layers

If you really want to feel cozy, and I mean REALLY cozy especially during this fall, I reccomend having some comfy layers and pillows by your side.

Cuddling with blankets and pillows in your bedroom or livingroom feels so special. Especially if they are autumnal! You are welcome to check out this wide and beautiful varity of autumnal blankets , perfect for a cozy fall night from amazon.

And of course, how can I not mention, these cute and absoulotly autumnal pumpkin shaped pillows!

Autumnal songs, background ambiences & podcasts

autumnal night-routine-ideas-for-a-cozy-fall-night

Music is everything. Create a relaxing playlist you could fall asleep with or listen throughout the evening. For inspiration, here’s a list of some songs that are currently in my playlist:

autumn playlist- feel warm and cozy

 Another two great options for you are: background ambience and podcasts on topics you find interesting . Here’s a link to one of my favorite channels on youtube that posts cozy background ambiences.

Bake something delicious

best night routine ideas for a cozy fall night -baking

Baking is so calming, as long as you are not messing it up:) Slowly, the house starts to fill with wonderful scents that bring a lot of satisfaction to the heart, and eventually, to the mouth.

But you are here because you want to feel autumnal vibes, right? So try baking something with “Autumnal flavors” such as pumpkin, cinnamon or apples (yum!) 

Cuddle and watch comfort TV

autumn night routine ideas- comfort tv

I just couldnt write a post called “best night routine ideas for a cozy Fall night” and not mention this. So when it’s already dark outside and all you want to do is basically nothing, snuggle up with a comfortable blanket and watch some cozy and comforting seasonal movies\ TV shows.

My current personal favorite TV show this season is Gilmore Girls. The Fall aesthetic there is just the prettiest!

You can check my “how to welcome fall properly this year” blog post for Fall themed movies and TV shows recommendations!

Search for fallen leaves


If it’s not too dark outside yet, take a walk around your neighborhood: enjoy the chilliness in the air, enjoy looking for some pops of orange and brown and soak it all in. Try searching for special shaped leaves, jump in a pile of them and collect some for yourself. 

You can also decorate your house with them leaves or dried flowers and go strong in order to feel this season’s vibes.

Spooky ghost stories


Boo! Halloween is about to arrive, and you should act appropriately: turn off the lights, lit up a candle and trade your best ghost stories with someone you don’t mind being scared with.

It’s so fun being spooked with someone you love while the weather outside is going crazy, right?

Complete a puzzle


There are many Fall-ish puzzles out there you can purches and enjoy of alone or with someone you love. This is such a fun and relaxing activity to dive for as the night draws in.

Count stars


Counting starts is like counting sheep, but better. Counting stars can really put things under proportion: It makes you realize how huge our universe is and how tiny we are. It makes you realize that all of them little thing you’ve spent your whole day worrying about, are maybe not that big of a deal at all.

I really think there’s something so comforting in the stability of starts in the sky.

Scroll through Pinterest


Another great night routine idea I have for you is to scroll through Pinterest. I think Pinterest can give you a lot of inspiration and wonderful ideas in general. Try searching for photos to get inspired by, quotes, lists of books recommendations and anything that brings you joy.

Get Sucked Into A Good Book


Well, I’m writing the obvious, but I really think that nothing can compare to that feeling you get when you’re curled up in a cozy corner, reading a good book, and suddenly notice that it’s already dark outside. There are so many great books for autumn you can give a home to and enjoy of. If you are interested in some, check out this amazing video by Darling Desi. 

Also, to my books lovers here, go check the “your cozy little library” section in my site for 100% cozy and bookish blog posts!

Good Night Everyone 

I hope you are ready to apply some them fall night routine ideas I gave you in your daily life! Please continue letting the magic in the air fill your heart with happiness in this special time. Check my other Fall time cozy blog posts for more inspiration!

If you have any more suggestions, I’d love to hear them! You can contact me anytime, or leave a comment . You are more than welcome to follow me on Instagram, Pinterest , TikTok and Goodreads!

 As promised, here’s your checklist. Feel free to download & use it .

cozy autumn night routine ideas

Here’s another version of it:

Check out the newest Autumn wallpapers collection! Perfect for this cozy season.

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